Welcome to my work in progress. A little rough around the edges, but hopefully will educate as well as provide some relief for those also going through the craziness of daily life with Autism. Hope you enjoy it :o)

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Baseball is coming back!!!

In 16 days!!!! Man, I miss going to games! Especially with Nick! Sometimes I think he agrees just to appease me, but when I quiz him on the rules and stuff, he usually gets it right. 

Now he’s in the National Guard learning how to protect our country. I miss him. 

Monday, June 29, 2020

Pizza is my love language.

I’m not one for mushy posts, but I have a fun story for you. 

9 months ago, I was talking to some guy. We texted, and sometimes actually talked on the phone! He seemed cool. Cool enough that I agreed to go out on an actual date with him. I mean, a girl’s gotta eat, right?? 

Now, I’m not saying that I watch too many Lifetime movies, but when I was told we were going to a place called “Wampach’s”, I was a little skeptical. “That sounds fake. Are you going to take me out to the woods and murder me??” He said no, but to be fair, ALL OF THE MURDERERS SAY THAT. I even told my coworkers that if I didn’t come in the next day, to call the police. One of them had the audacity to call me dramatic! Hmph. 

I googled Wampach’s and found that it was a legit place, so off I went. I do love me some breakfast foods! 

We had a great time, and even went to get a donut afterwards. Six days later, we went out to breakfast again, but this time we went north to Fat Nat’s. (If you’ve never been, rectify this. Stat.) 

That afternoon he called me and asked if I’d be interested in going on a cruise with him, his brothers, and their wives. He told me I’d have to put up with him for the next four months, but I’d get a cruise out of the deal. Not one to pass up a challenge, I agreed. Besides, nine days in the Caribbean with a bunch of people I’d never met before?? Sign me up!! 

We were scheduled to get back on March 1st, and we joked about how we’d need the 2nd to catch up on sleep, and then on the 3rd I’d dump him. 

Apparently the joke was on me because two weeks before the cruise, I packed up all of my Twins gear, and moved from “The Cities” to Farm Country. Population 187. As Jacob says, “Mom, South Haven has the lowest population in Minnesota.” Not quite, but it *is pretty far down on the list! 

We call ourselves the Worst Couple Ever, and all of our kids think we’re ridiculously cute (actually I think they’ve said ridiculous and cute, but whatever). His Corvette obsession rivals my Twins one, he handles my sass, and makes sure that I’m never hangry. 

Congrats on putting up with me for this long, Randy! I’m sure my parents pray for you daily. 😂

Monday, June 1, 2020

Love makes a house a home.

If you would have told me a year ago that I would be living in a town of about 370ish people, I’d have said you were on crack. 

I grew up in Bloomington. Population around 86,000. I thrive on the hustle and bustle of “The Big City” aka Minneapolis. Whenever I’d go to camp every summer, I couldn’t sleep the first night because it was so quiet. Silent. There was no traffic. No planes flying overhead. No tv noises. 

I love city life. Where I lived in Eden Prairie, it was a five minute drive to just about anything; Target, Cub Foods, Walmart, Caribou, Home Depot, McDonald’s, Applebee’s, a shopping mall, movie theater, etc. Want Papa John’s? Go online and order! I went to Target three times in one day because I was baking and didn’t have the right ingredients!! 

8 months ago, I was talking to this guy. “You live in Fairhaven?? Where the heck is THAT??!” (20 minutes south of St Cloud, fyi) “Wait. It takes how long to go to Target and back?!” I was appalled. 😂 

4 months later, I traded in my 5 minute Target runs for 25 minute ones, and now this hangs by our door. 💗💗💗

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


This COVID crap is really ruining a lot of things. My ex husband (Nick, Emily, and Jacob’s dad) will not let Jacob see me. He claims to be worried about sending Jacob with me to my house, but the whole thing is about control. 100%. He’s not worried about anything. He wants to hurt me. It’s always been about hurting me. I’ll spare you the gory details, but in the almost 23 years that I have known him, he’s always been this way. When someone is controlling and abusive, it’s scary to leave them. 

I love my kids. All of them. So much. I miss them every single day. 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

All the heart emojis.

I’m not the type to gush about a significant other on social media, because, let’s be honest; I haven’t had a SO worth gushing over until this point. All I’ve ever been with are manipulative narcissists. They’d say “I love you”, but then call me names, hit me, or cheat on me. 

Not this guy. He’s amazing. He loves me, accepts me, and drops everything when I need a shoulder to cry on. He calls me beautiful like it’s my name. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


I am so over this. I miss my kids. Obviously I’ve been missing Emily for years, but Jacob? His dad only lets me see him when he can control it. It’s stupid. We are BOTH his parents. He loves us both. We can both raise him. 

I love Jacob, Emily, and Nicholas more than I could ever express ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Friday, March 27, 2020